Free Upper Body Workouts
These upper body workouts mix cardio and strength movements that can be done anywhere. The "Light" and "Torch" workouts are full length workouts. The "Back & Shoulders" and "Biceps & Triceps" workouts are short workouts that can be added onto your regular routine. You can also repeat a short workout up to 4 times to make it a full workout.
Showing 70 results for "Free Upper Body Workouts"
Showing 70 results
Body Target
Workout Type
- 10 minUpper Chest WorkoutCircuit 1
- Walkout with Shoulder Tap
- Incline Push-up
- Lying Chest Fly with Pulse
- Weighted Y Press
- Full Plank to Down Dog
40s/20s2 rounds1 circuit - 10 minTriceps Workout with Dumbbells & BodyweightCircuit 1
- Tricep Raise
- Push-up
- Standing Tricep Kick Back
- Full Plank with Shoulder Tap
30s/20s3 rounds1 circuit - 12 minBicep Workout with Dumbbells to Build MassCircuit 1
- Bicep Curl
- Hammer Curl
- Cross Body Hammer Curl
- Zottman Curl
- Concentration Curl
- Negative Bicep Curl
60s/10s 30s/10s 40s/30s2 rounds1 circuit - 10 minDumbbell Back and Biceps At Home WorkoutCircuit 1
- Narrow Grip Push-up
- Concentration Curl
- Standing Reverse Fly
- Single Leg Negative Bicep Curl
- Renegade Row
40s/20s2 rounds1 circuit - 10 minBanded Chest, Triceps & Shoulders ClassCircuit 1
- Banded Overhead Press
- Banded Tricep Pushdown
- Banded Push-up with Forward Tap
- Banded Bilateral External Rotation
30s/20s3 rounds1 circuit - 10 minBack and Biceps Workout for Strength and StabilityCircuit 1
- Lateral Plank Walk
- T Superman
- Hammer Curl
- Single Leg Row
- Zottman Curl
40s/20s2 rounds1 circuit - 9 minUpper Arm WorkoutCircuit 1
- Concentration Curl
- Push-up with Cross Toe Touch
- Lying Tricep Raise
40s/20s3 rounds3 circuits - 5 min5 Min Shoulder Workout with DumbbellsCircuit 1
- Rotating Press (Alternating)
- Pike Push-up
- Lateral to Front Raise
- Overhead Press (Palms Out)
- Standing Reverse Fly
40s/20s1 round1 circuit - 24 min3-Day Push Pull Legs Split - Pull WorkoutCircuit 1
- Zottman Curl
- Weighted External Rotation (Alt)
- Bear Crawl Switchback
- Single Leg Hammer Curl
- Weighted Bicycle
- Renegade Row
Circuit 2- Weighted Leg Drop
- Flying Superman
- Bent Over Wide Row
- Weighted Deadlift
- Standing Reverse Fly
- Wrist Curl
60s/10s 30s/10s 40s/30s2 rounds - 28 min3-Day Push Pull Legs Split - Push Workout★★★★★1 review(s)Circuit 1
- Single Arm Squat Press with Twist
- Lateral to Front Raise
- Rotating Press
Circuit 2- Lying Chest Press
- Lying Chest Fly with Pulse
- Lying Single Arm Tricep Raise
Circuit 3- Plank-up with Shoulder Tap
- Negative Push-up
- Standing Tricep Kick Back
60s/20s 40s/20s 30s/20s mix3 rounds - 14 minBack & Biceps Power BuilderCircuit 1
- Decline Shoulder Tap
- Standing Reverse Fly
- Bent Over Wide Row
- Bicep Curl
20s/20s5 rounds1 circuit - 19mForearm Workout - Dumbbells OnlyCircuit 1
- Hammer Curl
- Wrist Curl
- Full Plank with Dumbbell Slide
- Negative Bicep Curl
- Steering Wheel
- Farmer's Walk
30s/154 rounds1 circuit - 20 minPush Pull Superset Tabata with Dumbbells - Low Impact★★★★★1 review(s)Circuit 1
- Lying Chest Press / Dumbbell Pullover
- Squat Press / Standing Reverse Fly
- Push-up with Tricep Touch / Renegade Row
- Single Leg Overhead Press (Palms Out) / Weighted Romanian Deadlift
- Narrow Grip Push-up / Single Leg Row
20s/10s5 rounds 4 sets1 circuit - 7 minRear Delt Exercise with Dumbbells★★★★★2 review(s)Circuit 1
- Standing Mountain Climber
- Bent Over Wide Row
- Weighted External Rotation
- T Superman
- Renegade Row
- Standing Reverse Fly
- Weighted Y Raise
40s/20s1 round1 circuit - 10mIntense Chest Workout with Bands & WeightsCircuit 1
- Highland Jack
- Banded Walkout
- Banded Push-up with Walk
- Banded Weighted Table Tap
- Plank-up with Shoulder Tap
- Slow Push-up
- Lying Chest Fly
- Lying Chest Press
- Bicycle Oblique Punch
- Forward Push with Twist
40s/20s1 round1 circuit