Free HIIT Workouts
Use the filters below to find a free HIIT workout video. Workouts labeled "Torch" or "Light" are full length workouts. Body focus workouts such as abs, back & shoulders, biceps & triceps, chest, triceps & shoulders, and glutes & thighs are all 7-12 minute add-ons to any full length workout.
Recommended Weekly Schedule:
- 1 Upper Body HIIT Workout
- 1 Lower Body HIIT Workout
- 1 Full Body HIIT Workout
- 1 Cardio HIIT Workout
- 2 Body Focus Workouts (7-10 minutes)
You can do 3-4 rounds of any body focus workout or find a full length HIIT workout.
Music / Sound
The only sound in our workout videos are beeps so you can listen to music or watch TV while working out! There are playlists on each workout page.