Burn Cardio
Los entrenamientos de cardio Burn utilizan nuestros movimientos más intensos para aumentar tu frecuencia cardíaca y quemar calorías. Los días de cardio te permiten elegir un entrenamiento que disfrutes para que no te aburras de tu rutina. Los entrenamientos de cardio Burn también se pueden utilizar en lugar de un programa. Sigue 3 o 4 entrenamientos por semana si quieres concentrarte en perder peso.
Showing 941 results
Showing 941 results
Body Target
Type of Yoga
Workout Type
- 7 minFull Body Warm Up 17Circuit 1
- Standing March with Opposite Arm Lift
- Standing Toe Lifts
- Shoulder Gator
- Starfish
- Standing Kick Out (Right)
- Standing Kick Out (Left)
- Hurdle Step
- Jab
- High Knee Tap
- Half Jack
- Jog in Place
1 round1 circuit - 7 minLog in or sign up to viewIgnite Abs 99 - Deep Core Control
- 10 minLog in or sign up to viewBurn Cardio 99 - Quick Agility Burn
- 24 minLog in or sign up to viewArms, Shoulders & Cardio
- 10 minUpper Chest WorkoutCircuit 1
- Walkout with Shoulder Tap
- Incline Push-up
- Lying Chest Fly with Pulse
- Weighted Y Press
- Full Plank to Down Dog
40s/20s2 rounds1 circuit - 22 minLog in or sign up to viewCore & Power Builder
- 10 minTriceps Workout with Dumbbells & BodyweightCircuit 1
- Tricep Raise
- Push-up
- Standing Tricep Kick Back
- Full Plank with Shoulder Tap
30s/20s3 rounds1 circuit - 24 minHIIT Full Body Workout with Weights★★★★★1 review(s)Circuit 1
- Single Leg Row
- Single Arm Squat Press with Twist
- Weighted Chest Press
- Walking Lunge with Hammer Curl
- Weighted Single Leg V-up
- Weighted RDL to Calf Raise and Shoulder Shrug
40s/30s 60s/30s3 rounds1 circuit - 18 minLog in or sign up to viewYoga for Flexibility 7 - Yoga for Flexibility and Energy
- 19 minLog in or sign up to viewBurn Cardio 98 - Beginner Cardio Pyramid
- 9 minLog in or sign up to viewIgnite Abs 98 - Lower Ab Toner
- 22 minLog in or sign up to viewBanded Glutes, Quads and Core
- 22 minLog in or sign up to viewLegs & Arms Strength Training★★★★★1 review(s)
- 14 minLog in or sign up to viewBeginner Yoga 10 - Beginner Full Body Flow
- 7 minLog in or sign up to viewIgnite Abs 97 - No Repeat Obliques & Abs